Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Rogers throttles World of Warcraft across Canada

"In an effort to control what applications and services are used on the network, some Canadian ISPs are shaping internet traffic and throttling bandwidth.

This type of app discrimination started to become apparent a few years ago when Skype was launched in Canada. Floods of users reported that for whatever reason, the application wasn’t working properly on their desktops. And the cause? Rogers was intentionally jamming the pipes."

I just read this article the other day and this really pisses me off. Being a Rogers customer myself, I find this totally unacceptable.

Rogers is also trying to push the idea of charging people per byte rather then a flat fee per month. What?! Once Bell has Fibre internet available in my area, I am switching ISP providers. I've had enough with all the Rogers issues lately. Bell is cheaper and in most cases, faster.

"The CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) is well aware of Rogers’ tactics to slow down your connection. It doesn’t necessarily break any laws but the CRTC implores that Rogers clearly state “how” and “what” (apps) its internet traffic management practices (ITMP) affect.

Rogers recently replied to an inquiry issued by the CRTC that questions Rogers’ internet traffic management on World of Warcraft.

The major ISP has confirmed that it’s slowing down WOW and admitted it’s in fact interfering with the connection. Ken Thompson also stated in the letter to the CRTC that the problem occurs when customers are “simultaneously using peer-to-peer file sharing applications” and offered a lame solution;  turn off peer-to-peer within the Warcraft settings.  Blizzard, the creator or Warcraft uses bit torrent technology to update the game."


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