- Throne of Thunder is the new 13 boss raid, with the last boss being Heroic Difficulty only.
Warlock will be able to unlock green fire spell effects through the quest line that starts with The Codex of Xerrath.
- You can now purchase your farm, where several quality of life improvements have been made.
- Wrathion is back once again and will reward you with a new head enchantment, Crown of the Heavens.
- There are two new world bosses, both of which will be a more pleasant experience now that anyone from your faction can tag them and everyone will get loot!
- The Isle of the Thunder King is the new daily questing zone, with the Kirin-Tor Offensive led by Jaina Proudmoore and the Sunreaver Onslaught led by Lor'themar Theron. Doing quests will unlock the powerful Lightning Forge, which will allow Blacksmiths to forge mighty raid-worthy items, as well as classic weapons from the past. Other features will also be unlocked by your realm's participation in the war effort.
- Four new scenarios have also been added. (Unofficially)
- New crafted Gladiator gear and heirlooms that scale to level 85 were among the new items added in Patch 5.2.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Patch 5.2 PTR - The Thunder King is Risen
Saturday, December 22, 2012
End of Days Event Contest
We're announcing the unique End of Days competition! Those who do the most to stem the rising tide of darkness during the event, the true leaders throughout the apocalypse, will be rewarded!
To learn more about the End of Days event, be sure to read its Developer Blog here!
The Rules
The event will run from the 21st of December until January 7th. (Unless the game servers are destroyed by rampaging zombies before that time.) The players who earn the most points throughout the event, across all dimensions, will receive rewards shortly thereafter.
- Using a Mayan Remains gives one point. (These remains are loot during the event.)
- Participating in a PvP match in El Dorado gives three points.
- Killing Bolon Yokte' K'uh gives ten points. Killing him while he is strengthened gives another ten points.
- Killing any of the three Harbingers of Nameless Days gives ten points.
The Rewards
The top 1000 players will receive a unique title, Hero of Ages, so their contribution to the world may be remembered for all time.
The top 100 players will also receive the exclusive Hatchling pet, a young ak'ab flown straight from the abyss to your side! This may be your only chance to ever own one of these soulless chittering creatures!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
TSW Dev Journals: Joel Bylos’ Game Director’s Letter
"I'm sitting in the dark, covered in a blanket, writing this by the fitful flickering of LCD. I fear that the end grows near, my friends, and the human race will walk the slow spiral into darkness. December 21st is soon upon us and mankind is heading toward its inevitable doom. It’s quite depressing.Read the full letter on MMORPG.com here.
Let's get the big one out of the way first - we recently made the subscription fee for The Secret World optional. We moved the game to a buy-to-play model which allows new users full access to the game for the price of a client fee. You can read up on all of the changes here.
One of the great strengths with The Secret World is our ambitious post-launch update plan. So far we’ve released five strong updates, called Issues, chock full of content, storylines, features and improvements. Having something new to play around with, something that keeps the game fresh and alive is important for us and we remain fully committed to releasing regular Issues. As part of the move away from required subscription, there will be some components of these issues that are free, while the other components will be paid DLC content. Though it will most likely differ from update to update, content such as new storylines and new locations will usually be part of the paid DLC.
But what do these kind of changes mean for the development of the game going forward?"
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Issue #5, The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn
The newest update to The Secret World, Issue #5, has just gone live. Log in now to check out some of the awesome stuff awaiting you, such as a new Auxiliary Weapon – the Quantum Brace, fresh missions and a brand new and revealing story arc.
But that is not all you get with Issue #5. On the 21st of December all Hell breaks loose both in the real world and the virtual. The apocalypse is coming just as the Mayans predicted. In The Secret World this will take the form of an End of Days event filled with new monsters and challenges.
The Event will run from the 21st and will last until The Secret World’s servers are destroyed by rampaging zombies or until a new dawn rises on the world once again. A competition will be running during the event, and the players who do the most to stem this tide of darkness will get unique rewards.
Catch the new preview video of Issue #5, narrated by Game Director Joel Bylos, to get a sneak peek at what is awaiting you in this update and the coming End of Days event.
See the video here.
Read on to learn more detailed information about each feature below the Issue cover.
End of Days Event!
The Oxford archeologists in the Scorched Desert and the Morninglight have important tasks for you. Slay the newly risen Mayan zombies, the roaming Harbingers and the god of the nine Underworlds and be rewarded with special loot and prizes.
Read more about the event in its developer blog here.
New Auxiliary Weapon
The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn
Follow in his footsteps and uncover another crucial piece of the puzzle that is The Secret World. This new story arc contains several missions and ends with a revealing climax no one should miss.
And much much more…
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Rise of the Hutt Cartel
Announcement: http://www.swtor.com/rothcStar Wars™: The Old Republic™ Rise of the Hutt Cartel
First Digital Expansion
Coming in Spring 2013!
- Experience 5 new levels, including story-driven missions, as the level cap increases to 55!
- Face-off against a frightening new enemy when you battle the nefarious Hutt Cartel.
- The fate of the new planet Makeb is at stake... and in your hands.
- Stay tuned for more information coming soon - Over the next few months we will reveal more exciting new features!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Age of Conan Free-to-play Improvements
Big week for Funcom it seems!
- All Classes Unlocked! Free players may now try any of the games classes completely free.
- Classic Dungeons unlocked! The complete selection of classic dungeons are now unlocked for free play. This includes ALL the pre-80 dungeons and a selection of level 80 dungeons as well! Level 80 adventures in The Crow's Nest, The Iron Tower, Xibaluku, The Slaughterhouse Cellar and Attilius' Mansion are all now available for free play!
- Gold cap increased! In order to allow free players to engage more in the end game economy, in particular with the incoming new crafting system in mind, the gold cap on free accounts has been raised from 2g to 10g.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Secret World is now Buy-to-Play!
As of right now subscription is optional for The Secret World.
This means that after buying the game you can play all of the heralded story-line and all content available right now without a paying a monthly fee.
With four major updates released, which introduce much new content such as a Raid in New York, Auxiliary Weapons and many new missions, the game is better than ever.
Buy the game before December the 31st and all the content in Issue #5, which will be released shortly, will also be included and you will receive the Initiate Pack, which includes strong starter weapons, a Blood Raven pet and extra social clothing.
So click here to BUY The Secret World for just $30 / €30 / £24.99 OR Purchase TSW through Steam.
Read on to get more information about these changes to The Secret World, or check out our FAQ on the official forums.
New Membership Available
For those who want to get the most out of their Secret World experience we have an optional Membership available. Being a monthly subscriber, for the same cost as before, now gives great benefits. For being a member you get the following:
Through the month of December we have a special offer where we give 30% off on the first purchase on the 3, 6 and 12 month Membership plans.
New Store Items
We have just launched some very nice new items through the Item Store. These are made to save time for those so inclined.
Ability Points Potion – This potion will double the Ability Points you receive for the duration of its effect.
Run Speed Upgrade – It is now possible to directly purchase the run speed increases (identical to those which can be purchased through your Secret Society).
In addition there will be lots of new social items such as clothing and pets continuously added to the store, so check if frequently if you wish to stay abreast with what is new.
Updates Since Launch
A steady flow of new content and deeper game systems have been introduced to The Secret World since launch, and much much more will follow in the future. Issue #5, The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn, is just days away from release.
Issue #1: Unleashed was the first update to The Secret World. It introduced a full mission pack, adding content to all the game’s major regions. Several Nightmare dungeon modes were also unlocked, giving veteran dungeon crawlers even more brutal tests to their skills.
Issue #2: The second update, Digging Deeper, gave players the very first Auxiliary Weapon – the Rocket Launcher. The Issue included several new missions and Nightmare dungeons, in addition a barbershop and plastic surgery gave the players many new options for changing their looks.
Issue #3: In The Cat God The Secret World had its first seasonal event with Halloween, and players got a completely new storyline with an epic fight in Stonehenge. Furthermore new missions were made available, and the dangerous Lairs got a big boost.
Issue#4: Our biggest update yet was Big Trouble in the Big Apple. It added a new raid in New York, a second Auxiliary Weapon – the Chainsaw, the Albion Theatre in London, new missions and Lair content, and a big PvP enhancement for the Fusang Warzone.
New Content for the Future
Periodically we will release packs of DLC (Downloadable Content). These updates, called Issues in The Secret World, contain new content, such as more Auxiliary Weapons, new missions and story arcs. These packs are fully optional and can be purchased normally or for the Bonus Points that are included in the optional Membership, as well as with the Grandmaster Lifetime service.
The first DLC will start selling in January 2013, and is the main storyline of issue #5. This will sell for $5, however this content is already fully unlocked for anyone who has a full game account registered before the end of December 2012.
Regular patches with free content and updates and enhancements to the core game will still continue.
This means that after buying the game you can play all of the heralded story-line and all content available right now without a paying a monthly fee.
With four major updates released, which introduce much new content such as a Raid in New York, Auxiliary Weapons and many new missions, the game is better than ever.
Buy the game before December the 31st and all the content in Issue #5, which will be released shortly, will also be included and you will receive the Initiate Pack, which includes strong starter weapons, a Blood Raven pet and extra social clothing.
So click here to BUY The Secret World for just $30 / €30 / £24.99 OR Purchase TSW through Steam.
Read on to get more information about these changes to The Secret World, or check out our FAQ on the official forums.
New Membership Available
For those who want to get the most out of their Secret World experience we have an optional Membership available. Being a monthly subscriber, for the same cost as before, now gives great benefits. For being a member you get the following:
- Time Accelerator (Clickable item which increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour, 16 hour cool-down – only usable by Members and Grand Masters)
- $10 worth of Bonus Points (given out every month)
- Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month)
- 10% discount to everything in the in-game store
Through the month of December we have a special offer where we give 30% off on the first purchase on the 3, 6 and 12 month Membership plans.
New Store Items
We have just launched some very nice new items through the Item Store. These are made to save time for those so inclined.
Ability Points Potion – This potion will double the Ability Points you receive for the duration of its effect.
Run Speed Upgrade – It is now possible to directly purchase the run speed increases (identical to those which can be purchased through your Secret Society).
In addition there will be lots of new social items such as clothing and pets continuously added to the store, so check if frequently if you wish to stay abreast with what is new.
Updates Since Launch
A steady flow of new content and deeper game systems have been introduced to The Secret World since launch, and much much more will follow in the future. Issue #5, The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn, is just days away from release.
Issue #1: Unleashed was the first update to The Secret World. It introduced a full mission pack, adding content to all the game’s major regions. Several Nightmare dungeon modes were also unlocked, giving veteran dungeon crawlers even more brutal tests to their skills.
Issue #2: The second update, Digging Deeper, gave players the very first Auxiliary Weapon – the Rocket Launcher. The Issue included several new missions and Nightmare dungeons, in addition a barbershop and plastic surgery gave the players many new options for changing their looks.
Issue #3: In The Cat God The Secret World had its first seasonal event with Halloween, and players got a completely new storyline with an epic fight in Stonehenge. Furthermore new missions were made available, and the dangerous Lairs got a big boost.
Issue#4: Our biggest update yet was Big Trouble in the Big Apple. It added a new raid in New York, a second Auxiliary Weapon – the Chainsaw, the Albion Theatre in London, new missions and Lair content, and a big PvP enhancement for the Fusang Warzone.
New Content for the Future
Periodically we will release packs of DLC (Downloadable Content). These updates, called Issues in The Secret World, contain new content, such as more Auxiliary Weapons, new missions and story arcs. These packs are fully optional and can be purchased normally or for the Bonus Points that are included in the optional Membership, as well as with the Grandmaster Lifetime service.
The first DLC will start selling in January 2013, and is the main storyline of issue #5. This will sell for $5, however this content is already fully unlocked for anyone who has a full game account registered before the end of December 2012.
Regular patches with free content and updates and enhancements to the core game will still continue.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
ESO: Aldmeri Dominion (Part 1)
How did the Aldmeri Dominion come to be formed in the first place? – By Luke Heys
It was really the brainchild of Queen Ayrenn, after assuming the throne of Alinor. Having traveled Tamriel extensively before returning to Summerset, she was aware of the dire threats menacing the world, and saw it as the proper duty of the Elves to put things right. At the same time, the Wood Elves and Khajiit were facing troubles of their own and in need of allies, so they came together to form the Dominion.
What made the Bosmers decide to join the Dominion? - By Tamás Várfalvi
After the recent civil war between the Camorans, Valenwood was in disarray and vulnerable. The Cabal who were running the Imperial City took advantage of this by sending in Colovian troops to grab up some of the Wood Elves’ northern territory. Seeking an ally to help repulse the Colovians, King Aeradan of the Bosmer turned to Queen Ayrenn and her new Dominion.
Will Elsweyr be in TESO? - By Jacob Wilde
Yes. At launch, you will be able to explore two corners of Elsweyr: an island off the south coast, and the far northwest corner of Anequina, around the city of Dune and Fort Sphinxmoth. Most of Elsweyr is still in the grip of the Knahaten Flu, and isn’t a place you really want to go until the epidemic has run its course.
Will the Khajiit players in The Elder Scrolls Online also get a choice in sub-species, or will the default still be Suthay-raht? I know that they are the most common breed, but is there any more back-story as to why every Khajiit you meet in Vvardenfell, Cyrodiil and Skyrim are Suthay-raht? Do the others never leave Elsweyr? - By Brandy Dills
Among the Khajiit, the race of feline humanoids who originate from Elsweyr, the Suthay-raht are indeed the most common breed, and at launch, all player-character and non-player-character Khajiit in ESO will be Suthay-raht. Now, will you glimpse more Khajiit sub-species in ESO in the future? Only time will tell!
There hasn't been a ton of content in Valenwood in the past. How exciting is it for the people working on places in Tamriel that have not been prominently featured in the past? - By Chris McNamara
We know from existing lore that Valenwood is an exaggeration of our own world’s jungles and deep forests. Combine that with a bit of the look seen in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and we take it from there. The opportunity to take clues and hints from lore and turn them into living, breathing places has excited everybody in art, game design, and audio. What could be better?
I wish for more information about the cultures of the Wood and High Elves. It is the culture that really gives a people its depth, and what subconsciously governs at least my attraction to certain races. What entertainment do the elves enjoy? Do the Wood Elves enjoy poetry? Do the High Elves hunt for sport? Are there any beloved Elf vocalists? How would the Elf lords enjoy an evening off duties? What forms of art have been popular through the ages? – By Joakim Brorson
Both High Elves and Wood Elves have an abundance of rich and tremendously detailed background lore. These ancient races have had a very long time to establish their own unique cultures. We’ve made sure that this kind of lore about the Elves will be included in the game—in plenty—in all the classic ways cultural lore is delivered in the Elder Scrolls games: quest dialogue, conversations with NPCs, lore books of all kinds, music, item crafting, and so forth.
How do you intend to portray the cannibalism of the Bosmer? From what do you draw inspiration for the jungles of Valenwood and the culture of the Bosmer? Any Ayleid enclaves to run across deep in the jungles? - By James Craven
For the Wood Elves, cannibalism is a matter of ritual significance, and typically quite private within a family or tight-knit group. There’s actually a lot of background on Valenwood and the Bosmer in Elder Scrolls lore, though you may have to dig a little to find it. After Empress Alessia’s “slave army” drove the Ayleids from Cyrodiil, many of them took refuge in Valenwood, so Ayleid ruins are actually rather common in the southern jungles.
The buildings of Alinor are said to look like they are "made from glass or insect wings." If the Summurset Isles are traversable at release will we see a design reminiscent of this? And will we see the Crystal Tower for that matter?! - By Callum Parker
When The Elder Scrolls Online launches, the playable part of the Summerset Isles will be Auridon, the big island between Summerset and the continent that includes the cities of Firsthold and Skywatch. The architecture of the High Elves is fanciful, certainly, but it’s also practical, constructed of real-world materials. Architects can’t make buildings out of poetry!
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Chris Roberts Talks All Things Star Citizen
MMORPG.com caught up with Chris Roberts to talk about all things Star
Citizen, from smuggling, to controls, to PVP, PVE, and player crafting.
Watch the video on the MMORPG.com Star Citizen page.
Want to ask him some MORE questions about the game's design, its offline and MMO features? Want to just tell him how grateful you are for Wing Commander? Tune in Wednesday, December 12th on our live-stream at 5pm EST (2pm PST) for all this and more!
Official site: Star Citizen
Want to ask him some MORE questions about the game's design, its offline and MMO features? Want to just tell him how grateful you are for Wing Commander? Tune in Wednesday, December 12th on our live-stream at 5pm EST (2pm PST) for all this and more!
Official site: Star Citizen
Friday, December 07, 2012
Tribe Defeats 3 More Bosses in Heart of Fear!
What an awesome way to end the month of November! Three more bosses
killed in one week with an extra progression raid, well done!
Interested in raiding with Tribe and help us fill our 25man raid team?
We raid 3 nights a week: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Pacific : 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Central : 7:30pm to 10:00pm
Eastern : 8:30pm to 11:00pm
Check out our forums for more details!
Progress: 6/6 5/6
World: 7467
US: 2030
Realm: 8th
Interested in raiding with Tribe and help us fill our 25man raid team?
We raid 3 nights a week: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Pacific : 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Central : 7:30pm to 10:00pm
Eastern : 8:30pm to 11:00pm
Check out our forums for more details!
Monday, December 03, 2012
AO: Monthly Development Update – Dec 3rd 2012
- Server Migration
- City Changes
- Engine Upgrade
"I've been playing the new client.
Let me stress how cool this is. We've talked a lot about the back-end work we've been doing on the engine. Before, if I wanted to see the engine I had to walk over to a coder's desk and then he hits compile and there's the new engine. Now, Macrosun can give me a .rar and I can unpack it on my machine and without having any tools or development environment installed on my machine I can run around in the new engine, and play it. We can now build and compile, and deploy as a standalone piece of software that patches and updates and does all the things one would expect a game-client to do. The coders did some fantastic magic to get this to work, and I can't compliment them enough on getting it up and running.
So why don't you have it yet?
Couple of reasons. I posted some screenshots below, and if you notice doors are about 20 feet away from where they should be (Parsed is fixing). Grass isn't in (Macrosun is working on). Ground-tile alignment (Vhab). Vhab fixed water and it looks amazing, but in some places it's flowing uphill & lacks depth calculations. There are some gamma issues with some playfields and sRGB. New character models/heads aren't in yet (although, Adamse will be finished in the next week or so). So there are issues, but we're very close to something we can get out there.
But most importantly, the new client needs to run against version 18.7 because that's where we are fixing things. I can run it against 18.7 internally, but unfortunately you guys will have to wait until it makes its way to the Live server."
More details, read here.
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