Friday, November 30, 2012
BioWare Livestream Q&A Coverage #2
With Game Update 1.5 live, BioWare held another of their Livestream Q&A sessions earlier today starting at 3pm CST.
Retribution to be Deployed on Tuesday, December 4
EVE Online: Retribution is scheduled for deployment during an extended
downtime on Tuesday, December 4. Downtime will begin at 09:00 UTC and is
expected to be completed at 11:20 UTC.
In the world of EVE Online justice is a valuable commodity. When a pilot is wronged they demand justice, they demand retribution. EVE Online: Retribution delivers new tools to let pilots seek their own justice. New Bounty Hunting and Crimewatch systems will ensure that criminals are punished for their actions. 40 Rebalanced Ships and 5 New Ships give pilots new ways to destroy those they hate most or to better protect their friends. As well as, new UI Upgrades and Inventory Changes that will ensure that your path to revenge is even smoother. This is an era of new immortals, greater opportunity, and lucrative retribution.
For more information about the latest EVE Online expansion, please visit the Retribution Feature Page.
The full patch notes are available here.
If you want to discuss the deployment process, please use this thread.
In the world of EVE Online justice is a valuable commodity. When a pilot is wronged they demand justice, they demand retribution. EVE Online: Retribution delivers new tools to let pilots seek their own justice. New Bounty Hunting and Crimewatch systems will ensure that criminals are punished for their actions. 40 Rebalanced Ships and 5 New Ships give pilots new ways to destroy those they hate most or to better protect their friends. As well as, new UI Upgrades and Inventory Changes that will ensure that your path to revenge is even smoother. This is an era of new immortals, greater opportunity, and lucrative retribution.
For more information about the latest EVE Online expansion, please visit the Retribution Feature Page.
The full patch notes are available here.
If you want to discuss the deployment process, please use this thread.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
WoW: Patch 5.1 Live This Week
Lots of new stuff coming in today's WoW 5.1 Patch!
- New Reputation Gear
- Reputation Leveling Improvements
- Wrathion Quest Lines
- World PvP Objectives
- Brawler's Guild
- Pet Battle Updates
- Loss of Control Alerts
- New Scenarios.. and more!
Monday, November 26, 2012
ESO on "Ask Us Anything": Ebonheart Pact (Part 2)
"This is our second installment of the ESO “Ask Us Anything” series, featuring more of your questions about the Ebonheart Pact and other general ESO topics. Read on to learn more about this alliance, and see if we chose your question!"
Will we be able to meet Joruun the Skald-King? What about the Tribunal of Morrowind, or the king/queen of Argonia? – By Brandon Donio
Yes, if you create an Ebonheart Pact character in The Elder Scrolls Online and make certain choices as you play, you will have the opportunity to meet Jorunn the Skald-King and members of the Tribunal. As for Argonia’s royalty, at this point in Elder Scrolls history, Black Marsh (“Argonia”) isn’t ruled by a monarchy – but there are certainly plenty of other prominent Argonians to meet in the game.
Will the Companions be involved somehow? – By Jason Bryden
Yes, The Companions—the legendary group of Nord heroes you met in the city of Whiterun in Skyrim—have been part of Nord culture since Ysgramor’s arrival on the shores of Skyrim before the First Era, so they certainly have a presence in ESO.
To what extent will the Tribunal feature in the Ebonheart Pact storyline, and how far along in the main quest will we learn about the pretender to the Tribunal? – By Josh James
As the rulers of Morrowind, both spiritually and politically, the Tribunal are quite prominent in the Ebonheart Pact – especially Almalexia, who’s been handling temporal affairs since the recent Akaviri invasion. But a pretender to the Tribunal? Mother Morrowind would dismiss the idea as absurd. Clearly impossible.
Are many changes being made to Skyrim to make it differ or stand out from the Skyrim we have recently come to know and love? If so, could you detail some of these changes? – By Brandon Donio
The Elder Scrolls Online is set 1,000 years earlier than Skyrim, so you may notice that some of the ancient Nord ruins are a little less worn and weathered than in Skyrim’s time. You’ll also find towns, like Nimalten in the Rift, that are gone and nearly forgotten by Skyrim’s Fourth Era, but are alive and thriving in ESO’s Second Era.
Will we be able to travel through Black Marsh? It is said that only Argonians can travel to the heart of Black Marsh. Will every player have the option to go there? – By John Ward
All members of the Ebonheart Pact will have an opportunity to visit Shadowfen, the northwestern region of Black Marsh that borders on Morrowind and includes the ancient city of Stormhold.
I've read that anyone can use any type of weapon or armor. Have you thought about having alliance-only weapon/armor styles? (For example, chitin armor available only to the Ebonhart Pact, since they have exclusive access to chitin in Morrowind.) – By Jeremy Eddy
Armor in The Elder Scrolls Online is regionally appropriate, whether it’s a loot drop, merchant stock, or quest reward; however, with the right skills and materials, you’ll be able to craft items in any racial style.
I always imagine all of the nasty, poisonous creatures living in Black Marsh, and I think there's lots of potential there. Could you detail any of your favourite critters from Black Marsh? – By Brandon Donio
If we had to pick just one, the huge reptilian wamasu that lurk in the deep swamps are a big favorite around the ZeniMax Online Studios dev office.
What are the meanings of these Ebonheart Pact insignias you used for the Facebook and Twitter icons? I suspect that the one for Morrowind represents the Tribunal, due to the three 'spikes'. The one for Skyrim represents... the Dragonborn? What about the one for Black Marsh? – By Yamir Ortiz
Good guesses—and correct. The one for Black Marsh is a stylized rendering of an Argonian’s face – but whether it depicts some ancient hero or ruler of Black Marsh history, or just represents the race as a whole, only the Argonians know. And they’re not telling.
Where is the main base of Ebonheart Pact? In which city will we find Jorunn the Skald-King? – By Douglas Reis Silva
The throne of Eastern Skyrim is in Windhelm, but the great city of Mournhold is the capital of the Ebonheart Pact, and it is there that Jorunn presides over the Great Moot.
Hi, I've been playing The Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind, and I have always played as an Argonian. Now that I've seen the screenshot on your website called 'Argonian soldiers', I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping for a more lizard, amphibian looking Argonian. I assume their faces are flat for helmet modeling, But I hope they'll look more like the one on the Ebonheart pact page. Also, they should have badass horns... So can you tell me, is this the final version of the Argonian? – By Rofaka
Customization of individual characters will allow for much more variety than we’ve been able to convey in the screenshots released so far. Also, we’re still fine-tuning the ESO character models, including the Argonians.
Last time we had the chance of discovering the land of Morrowind, the different feelings to the Great Houses and the House Wars was one of the most intriguing aspects to the game. Will we have an opportunity to join the houses? If so, which of them will be joinable? I just so loved the mushroom houses. – By Greg
The rivalries between the Dunmer Great Houses have deep roots, and they are all important players in the politics of Morrowind. In fact, House Telvanni – they of the mushroom towers – are estranged from the other Houses at the time of ESO, and refused to join the Ebonheart Pact. (We’ll share more about them in the future, you can be sure.) Your characters will have opportunities to help (or hinder) all the other Great Houses of Morrowind, though formal adoption into their ranks won’t be part of the game at launch.
Official Site: Elder Scrolls Online
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
25man Vaults Cleared & First Boss in HoF Defeated!
After a few nights of pure attempts on Emperor, Tribe defeats the
encounter in 11:44 minutes. Everyone stepped up their game to improve
their performance. This encounter is also our best 25 man world kill so far this expansion!
We moved on to Heart of Fear and killed Zor'lok with a near flawless one-shot! Some folks already hate this fight due to his Attenuation ability.
We tried a few attempts at Blade Lord Ta'yak before calling it a night. Our best attempt was around 6%!
Great night Tribe!

We moved on to Heart of Fear and killed Zor'lok with a near flawless one-shot! Some folks already hate this fight due to his Attenuation ability.
We tried a few attempts at Blade Lord Ta'yak before calling it a night. Our best attempt was around 6%!
Great night Tribe!
TSW: Issue #4 - "Big Trouble in the Big Apple"
The biggest update yet is just out. Issue #4 is filled to the brim with tons of fresh content and new and deeper game systems. You can enjoy a new Auxiliary Weapon – the Chainsaw, huge PvP enhancements, the Albion Theatre, Reticule Combat and a new set of Missions!
Issue #4 also sets the stage for the big Raid in New York, which is undergoing final testing and will be brought Live as soon as possible
Read more about Issue #4 here!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Happy Birthday World of Warcraft!
"World of Warcraft turns eight on November 23, and we’d like to thank our amazing community for joining us in celebrating eight epic years of adventure. To celebrate, players who log in to World of Warcraft between November 18 and December 1 will receive a unique Feat of Strength achievement and Celebration Package item. Using your item will kick off the celebrations by shooting off fireworks*, applying a (cosmetic only) tabard to your character, and granting an 8% bonus to experience and reputation gains from any enemies defeated while active.
As an added treat, this year we’ve put together a little video to take you through the years from the original release of World of Warcraft to the newly revealed shores of Mists of Pandaria. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. We know we have."
Star Citizen is Gaming's Biggest Crowdfunding Drive!
"As of 2:00 p.m. EST, the game has secured over $6.2 million and over 89,000 pledges. Star Citizen is now the highest-grossing crowd-funded gaming project ever, and more importantly it has met a laundry list of stretch goals over and above its initial $2 million target and unlocked a slew of additional features (including more ships, star systems, mod tools, base types, and voice-acting)."
Raised: $6,281,562 - RSI: $4,147,188 Kickstarter: $2,134,374
Official Site: Star Citizen
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Tribe clears Mogu'shan Vaults, goes 1/6 Heart of Fear 10man
Elegon was our latest kill on 25 and was a complete DPS check. Once we
got the orb phases down, it was fairly easy after that. Only two people
survived enough to finish him off!
We only have one boss left on 25man Mogu-shan Vaults - Will of the Emperor - for a complete 25man clear. We'll defeat him once we control the adds better and dodge mechanics.
On an off-night, we took our first look at Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear with relative ease. He went down after we quickly learned the mechanics.
Well done Tribe!

Our current 25man progress:
World: 1242
US: 448
Realm: 2 - US Bloodhoof
We'll be moving into the Heart of Fear shortly for further progression!
We only have one boss left on 25man Mogu-shan Vaults - Will of the Emperor - for a complete 25man clear. We'll defeat him once we control the adds better and dodge mechanics.
On an off-night, we took our first look at Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear with relative ease. He went down after we quickly learned the mechanics.
Well done Tribe!
Our current 25man progress:
World: 1242
US: 448
Realm: 2 - US Bloodhoof
We'll be moving into the Heart of Fear shortly for further progression!
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