Monday, October 31, 2011

Upcoming: World Events & Faction Territory Control

Greetings everyone!

So Free2Play happened, which was awesome.

Even while we sorted through the server issues, lots of fun things that get industry types in suits get excited about like "concurrent users" and "unique logins" and whatnot all decided to climb high enough to set some records. Then when we finished sorting through the server issues they went up (of course). But I'm sure you're not here to read about that! You're probably interested in what's next content-wise.

To that end, guest posters AFFA and Neverender have decided to drop some knowledge on y'all re: World Events and Faction Territory Control that should be coming soon (once we have a PTS up). From here on out divest yourself of all but your scrollin' finger and your sense of amazement, because they're all you'll need!

World Events

Hey, it's AFFA, and I'm here to talk about World Events.
Have you ever seen waves of rotters attack Kristo's Rest?
Have you ever protected Chemtown from a CoG invasion?

Have you ever seen El Cadejo escape from Brigg's Point and go rampaging across the wastes?
Well, as Microsoft used to say: you will.

Types of World Events

The World Event system is Fallen Earth's answer to dynamic content. The system itself is very robust. We can create an event anywhere in the game and we have several types of events that can be combined to do almost anything.

There are currently three basic kinds of World Events: Node, Attack, and Effect. Node events spawn harvest nodes at a random location. Attack events can spawn a creatures in a random area or creatures that attack a specific point. They can spawn creatures in waves, as regular generators with a respawn time, or all at once. Effect events can apply an effect to all players, all NPCs, or just certain NPCs. This could be used to temporarily lower merchant prices in a town (Social debuff on merchants), start a disease spreading, or give all players in an area a buff.

We also have a more advanced World Event which we call Goal events as each one can have five separate goals that players must complete. The good news is that these Goal events can do almost anything. And if they can't do something yet, it is very easy to add new features. They are limited only to things available in the Scripting API, which is not much of a limit. The bad news is these events are extremely complicated and time-consuming to set up, and we don't have as many of these in the game yet as we'd like. In addition to spawning nodes, spawning creatures, and applying effects, these events can create objects, create buildings, change NPC behaviors, add new mission givers, and much more.

World Map Icons

The ability to draw on the world map, called the Objectives system internally, is something we've wanted for a long time but were only recently able to implement. World Events require map icons since they can occur at random, but there are other systems in the game that will benefit from the ability to draw on the world map, such as Conflict Towns, Progress Towns, and Town Events. We have plans to add more systems that make use of this feature, such as Territory Control (keep reading!).

All players in the game receive the icon, name, and position for every Objective on the map. All players should be able to see at a glance which faction owns a Territory Control keep, where a random boss has spawned, or where additional resource nodes are. You can see all the Objectives in the game on the map, not just the ones for your current sector. If you mouseover any Objective icon, a more detailed description will pop up.


World Events track player participation. When a World Event succeeds, all players who have participated get a mission that instantly completes itself and offers rewards. The rewards can be anything a mission can give you: experience, items, AP, faction, chips, defense tokens, etc. The rewards are scaled based on your participation. Someone who killed 50 rotters will get a larger reward than someone who killed just 1. If you stop participating for too long or go offline, you may not get any reward. And of course there is no reward for failure.

Future Possibilities

Any World Event can chain to another World Event on creation, on success, or on failure. With this capability, we can eventually build chains of events and make Fallen Earth a much more dynamic game. Currently the event for Kristo's Rest above is just waves of rotters. But in the future, if you kill all the rotters, perhaps that will chain to a World Event to fix the LifeNet pod. And if you fail, perhaps that will chain to a World Event that makes all the NPCs go indoors and rotters roam freely in the town. There are a few examples of this working internally, but they are minor. For instance, if you finish one of the Papermill World Events, it chains to a Node event that spawns crates of paper as part of the reward.

The World Events we have written so far are very modest and don't use the full capability of the system. We also have some additional work to do before we can make mission givers, merchants, and other town NPCs react to World Events. The first batch of World Events will be mostly random harvest nodes and creatures attacking a single town, but we have big plans for this system in the future.

Territory Control

Hey guys, Neverender here. I've been busy working on the upcoming Territory Control system. Here in the office we've started to have some early play tests of some of the mechanics, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I have to say, the area looks amazing. Our artists have done some excellent work and I am pumped for this stuff to go Live so I can run around and kick some ass in this war zone they've created. You probably want to hear some more about the mechanics of Territory Control, so I thought I'd share a few things.

Territory Control area, with large central keep (left)
One of six smaller keeps
Territory Control Area

When Territory Control goes Live, we will introduce a new area north of Blaine where everything--at least initially--will take place. We plan on expanding Territory Control after that, but to give you an idea of the size I'd say the whole area is around the size of Terminal Woods. The area can be reached by taking the road north from Blaine. Once there, you'll be able to activate a Fast Travel point at your respective Faction camp along the outskirts of the area.

Control Points

The Territory Control area has 13 control points that Factions can hold. These control points work a lot like the existing Faction Control system, but with some nice additions. Six of the points are out in the open and will be harder to defend and maintain control of. The other seven points are actually inside of keeps (including one bad-ass huge keep in the middle of the area) that will provide much better defense, as well as some other nice perks.


The keeps will feature destructible doors and walls with defenses that can be upgraded and reinforced once your Faction has taken control. The keeps also come equipped with some out-of-service LifeNet pods, but don't worry-- you can fix those too! You may want to protect them though, as they might make a nice target for any attackers that have their hearts set on taking over your keep. There will also be Faction NPC guards and bosses that help add some extra defense.

The barriers and LifeNet pods can be upgraded by spending Death Toll. Some perks for holding a keep (on top of the much better defensibility) will include vaults, a mailbox, a crafting facility, and more. Players from the faction that currently controls the keep will be able to use a re-purposed LifeNet Pod to teleport themselves inside.


If your faction holds any of the 13 control points in the area, you'll get a nice buff that will improve based on the number of points you control. That improvement will max out at 4 control points. The buff will increase death toll, faction, and experience earnings and will also give a nice boost to the major offensive combat skills.

And then there's what you're all really fighting over: resources. When you control a point, you'll have the ability to create and place your own harvesters that will generate some nice resource nodes in the area surrounding your control point. Be sure to defend your area though, because if another faction moves in and takes over you'll lose your hard work!

Capture Mechanic

Currently the capture mechanic works a lot like Faction Control Points. The control points each have a flag. If there are Faction NPC guards or bosses defending the flag, you'll need to take them out before you can attempt to take control. If the control point is inside of a keep, you'll need to breach the keep's door(s) before you can even do that. Whenever you take control of one of these points away from another Faction, your flag will be immune to attacks for a short while. We also plan to add exciting new ways to take control of an area in the near future.

Each control point will have an icon on the strategic map representing the Faction that currently controls it, as well as what state it is in. The 3 states that the icon will indicate are Controlled, Under Attack, and Immune to Attack. Each faction has 3 icons that represent each of those states, so players anywhere will be able to see how their Faction is doing at all times.

Well, that covers most of the basics. I'm excited to see all of this in action. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Expansion Named, New Class & Race Included

  • Race: New playable Pandaren race
  • Class: Monk
  • Pet battle system
  • PvE scenarios
  • New talent system
  • New continent
  • Level cap increase to 90
  • Challenge mode dungeons
BlizzCon 2011: Day one round-up
BlizzCon 2011: Day two round-up

Friday, October 21, 2011

World of Darkness - Development to Continue at a Slower Pace

Yesterday, CCP Games, the developer and publisher of spacefaring MMO EVE Online announced major layoffs -- cutting its staff by 20 percent. For a company of 600, this means roughly 120 were let go: big numbers.

The layoffs primarily hit the Atlanta studio, but occurred across the entire CCP organization globally, Gamasutra has confirmed.

"This is a major thing, and it's something which it is my responsibility to avoid," CEO Hilmar Petursson told Gamasutra in a phone interview from the CCP Atlanta offices. His voice was quavering with emotion during this part of the call, in which he pondered his responsibilities to these displaced staff.

CCP merged with tabletop role playing game publisher White Wolf in 2006 and announced intentions to create an MMO based on its flagship pen-and-paper property, World of Darkness.

That project is "moving forward in a slower pace, and also more decoupled from the overall development roadmap for CCP," Petursson told Gamasutra today.

The World of Darkness MMO is in development at its studio in Atlanta, Georgia; CCP has also opened a Shanghai, China-based studio to spearhead development of Dust 514, a PlayStation 3 shooter which ties into EVE. Gamasutra recently spoke to EVE creative director Torfi Frans Olafsson about that project.

"We have good people remaining here, which are going to advance World of Darkness on a much slower pace. So we still very much have an operation here in Atlanta, but it's much smaller than it was before. It's about 100 people that are here remaining, working on customer support and World of Darkness, but they are also adding value to EVE Online this winter, and there will also be a team here working on Dust as well."

As for the affected staff, Petursson told Gamasutra that the company is making efforts to help place them with new industry jobs.

"We're doing a lot of things," he said. "I've personally been contacted by many CEOs in the industry which have offered to help with finding employment for the people who are leaving, and that's a great thing to see. So we are connecting people with our industry friends, we are helping them with their resumes, we are helping them to make contacts, and things like that."

Petursson said that "even EVE players from the community [are] offering assistance," which is less surprising when you consider the tight connection the developer has traditionally had with its players. EVE lead designer Noah Ward was recruited from the community, for example.

While the layoffs deeply affected the future of World of Darkness, said Petursson, they are "also relating to the restructuring of EVE. There were people in Iceland, and people globally, that were affected. Because this... is really around the company restructuring around fewer priorities, so it was effected throughout the company."

The decision comes after "soul searching" on the part of Petursson, who recently wrote a heartfelt letter to the EVE Online community detailing the ways in which CCP had failed them with its Incarna expansion and the introduction of virtual items to EVE.

CCP associate producer Ben Cockerill delivered a speech last week at GDC Online which detailed the company's failure to execute on virtual goods. In July, the company was forced to convene an emergency meeting of its EVE player government, the Council of Stellar Management, to resolve the virtual goods issue.

Developing these new EVE initiatives alongside a full-scale World of Darkness MMO in Atlanta and Dust 514 in Shanghai took its toll on the company, Petursson told Gamasutra.

"A lot of coordination needed to occur, and it was very straining for the company to have to focus on so many fronts," he said. This layoff is not just a layoff; it marks a full reprioritization for the company: on making sure EVE Online, its core product, is what it needs to be.

"Now we're super focused on adding value to EVE Online and getting Dust to market next year," he said.

Development of World of Darkness will continue, and the game will launch in a less ambitious form, he said -- and will be driven, as EVE has been, by its community, not by internal initiatives.

"We lost focus on taking care of EVE, and it became more important for us to battle-test features in our strategic roadmap by adding them to EVE, rather than adding value to EVE," Petursson admitted to Gamasutra.

"At some point we were just spreading ourselves too thin, and we were not focused enough on EVE Online, for sure."

"It's a trap which we basically fell into -- where we thought we could achieve three impossible things at the same time," he said.

"Now we really have to focus as a company on just really showing our commitment to EVE Online, and giving the game the love from CCP which people claim we have lost," he said. He also said that plans to add out-of-ship play to EVE via Incarna "will now not be a big priority for us; the biggest priority is EVE Online, the spaceship game."

Meanwhile, he said, "Dust is on its way to open up private trials at the beginning of January, where we will have a sort of trial phase on the PlayStation Network, in collaboration with Sony." This "sort of a closed beta" will be an important proof for the CCP Shanghai-developed shooter, which is an attempt tp "broaden the kind of experiences we can offer players in New Eden," producer Thomas Farrer told Gamasutra in a recent interview.

Week of the Dragon!

That's right, it's the WEEK OF THE DRAGON!

Throughout the week, all eyes will be on the chaotic and secretive Dragon society, one of the three secret societies players can join in The Secret World. 

We'll be releasing new screenshots, artworks, information, and a video. We will also be hosting an exclusive Q&A session on our Facebook page at the end of the week where we'll only answer questions related to the Dragon!

To start off the week we just released six new Dragon screenshots, all of which you can find in the Media section.

The Dragon is perhaps the most mysterious of the three in-game secret societies; based in Seoul, the focus of the Dragon is to orchestrate change through chaos. 

“Revealing new things about the Dragon is exciting for us, as the very nature of the Dragon is to stay hidden and create chaos behind the scenes to reach their ultimate goal,” Says Ragnar Tørnquist, Senior Producer and Director for ‘The Secret World’. “Not only is this a great opportunity to shed some light on the Dragon, but for a huge number of people who have already joined the Dragon through our initiation test, it’s an opportunity to find out more about their chosen secret society.”

All of you Illuminati and Templars out there -- don't fret -- you'll get your week later. For now, keep your eyes on the this website and learn to know your enemy!

Chris Higgins - Jedi Consular: Beta Impressions

"The Consular class does not focus on lightsabers like a Jedi Knight.  You use telekinesis and throw objects at your opponents.  One of the attacks you get pulls objects from under the ground and hurls them at your enemy.  The objects vary and can be anything from droid bodies to boulders.  Consular also uses also stun attacks for which work well for mob control while fighting. 

Once you get to level ten you can choose a specialization and can be a Sage or Shadow consular.  Shadow seemed to have stealth capabilities which allowed you avoid combat.  However I chose Sage for healing.  Sage's have force healing which can be used on you or other players.   It was very easy to find a group when being a healing sage.  The great thing was while I was the normally the groups healer I could still fight while healing so I did not feel like I was just there to keep people alive. 

Reading in game chat there were ways to use Sage as a DPS class but I did not explore this option so this class seems to be very versatile for any game play style.  I was bummed Sages got one-handed lightsabers while Shadow Consular's got double-bladed lightsabers but it does make sense based on the specialization descriptions. "

Read more of Chris Higgins' Jedi Consular beta impressions from here!

Garrett Fuller - Jedi Knight: Full Beta Preview

"You start with a basic attack and also a powered up strike. The fun really starts with the Force Leap ability which is similar to a Warrior charge in Warcraft except with a lot more visual flare. It also has a pretty solid range to it and allows you to jump into combat quickly. Each attack generates enough Focus for the Jedi to unlock additional attacks on their bar. After another level goes by you can also get Force Blast which allows you to stun multiple opponents when you land and basically pick your target to attack. They don’t stay stunned for too long, but it is long enough to help you finish them off. These abilities alone are amazing for the class and make the Jedi Knight a force early on in the game. From there combat continues with a bunch of different lightsaber attacks which help you max damage and generate combos on your hot bar. The combat is pretty straight forward. I will say that Bioware has done an amazing job with the animations on combat. Just doing a basic attack is not a one hit kind of move. It carries with it some great animations that really make you feel like you are in a sword fight. So really right from the beginning you are leaping around dropping foes with your training blade.

At this point you are probably wondering how a Jedi deals with shooting attacks. This is a critical element to the class and something I had several questions about as well. Jedi do make the moves to block shots or attacks as you go, however, you also get a Force Shield ability in early levels. This ability has a longer cooldown but grants the player a bubble around their character that can minimize or deflect shooting attacks. Use it wisely young Jedi, it is worth its weight in credits once you go up against larger groups of foes. The real story behind close combat and ranged combat or the inevitable debate of Han Solo and Obi Won with blaster vs. lightsaber will play out once the game launches. In the early beta there is no real way to tell how this balance will play out, at least not with the starting areas. For now the Jedi combat is fun and the animations really do enhance the click and target MMO game play we have all gotten used to. Combat is fun and fast paced. You also get combat music which with Star Wars is never a bad thing."

Read more of Garrett Fuller's beta preview here!

Michael Bitton - Trooper: Full Beta Preview

"The game opened up a lot more once I left Ord Mantell (where I only saw other Troopers and Smugglers) and made my way to Coruscant. Before arriving on Coruscant, I traveled to the Carrick space station in the midst of the Republic fleet. This is the Republic social hub shown off during the TOR main panel at New York Comic-Con last week. The station is indeed filled with vendors, a cantina, class and crafting trainers, and a jump off point to launch Flashpoints. It was a pretty neat spot, but felt sort of inorganic. It almost felt like a bit of a shopping mall in space. Everything is neatly placed and organized in an intelligent and convenient fashion, which is great for gameplay purposes but really not much else.

In order to head to Coruscant, I could opt to take a basic shuttle straight from the station to the planet or a VIP ship called The Esseles, which is a Flashpoint that would eventually bring me to Coruscant at the end. The basic story behind the Esseles is that an important Republic Ambassador is on board and one of the Sith Empire’s top brass is keen on capturing her. As members of the Republic, we’re obviously not interested in giving her up that easily (well, maybe), so this prompts the Imperial Moff to launch a boarding attack on the ship. The result is a fairly awesome dungeon crawl set up for four players to run through, participate in dialogue, and make important choices that directly affect the way certain parts of the Flashpoint play out. The Flashpoint was peppered with all manner of cinematic set pieces, especially the last boss fight, which was absolutely epic to say the least. It was a real hoot to play through it alongside other players."

Read more of  Michael Bitton's review on here!

Massively's double-dose of SWTOR Beta Impressions

"Surprisingly though, I had a decent time. I managed to get a Republic Trooper off the Ord Mantell starter planet and firmly entrenched in a few Coruscant quest lines, and I logged over 10 hours of gameplay in the process (in the comfort of my own home, mind you, and not under the watchful eye of a PR droid at a convention).

To be frank, TOR's not half bad. It's had a lot of money thrown at it, there's a ton of what passes for modern-day MMO content, and if you're into that sort of thing, you'll no doubt enjoy yourself for a time..."
 Read them both here!

Collector's Edition Unboxing Video

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fallen Earth - On Free2Play and Beyond!

We're on the cusp! 

Today marks the day we've been building up to for the last four months. As of today, everyone with an account will be able to log in and play Fallen Earth without buying a box or paying for a sub! Free players will be able to gain every level, craft every item, join and create clans, and visit every place in the world (including all instances) without paying a dime. Current subscribers will be upgraded for free to the Commander Premium Subscription (until their current sub or game time ends or re-ups), and everyone who has ever bought the game or had a sub will be receiving their Spiked Chopper. Check this page out for the full rundown on playing free or supporting the game with a Premium Subscription.

We know the ride hasn't always been smooth, but it's been a crazy fun journey and we're honored to be taking it with you!

Gifts Recap
If you're an existing subscriber, please check below to make sure you receive everything for which you've qualified. We've spent a lot of time on these, and we'd hate it if you missed out on them!
  • July Subscriber Appreciation Gifts: Fancy White Boots and Skindog Pet. Sent to anyone with an active subscription or game time in July. Keys sent out in August.
  • August Subscriber Appreciation Gifts: Snazzy White Hat and Chupacabras Pet. Goes to anyone with an active subscription or game time in August. Keys sent out in September.
  • September Subscriber Appreciation Gifts: Sexy White Jacket and Classic Creeper Pet. Goes to anyone with an active subscription or game time in September. Keys sent out in October.
  • Free2Play Transition Subscriber Appreciation Gift: Chest, Legs, and Groin Wardrobe Slots unlock item. Goes to all who had an active subscription in July, August, September, and October. Keys to be sent out today.
  • Vet Reward ItemSpiked Chopper. Keys to be sent out by the end of this week.
  • Commander Subscription Upgrade: Free upgrade to Commander level Premium Subscription on any game time/sub active when the game goes Free2Play. Lasts until the end of the current billing cycle.
  • Permanent Commander Subscription Discount: Permanent discount on Commander Premium Subscription ($29.99 to $19.99), available to all players who have ever purchased or subscribed to the game. Effective permanently as of October 12th.

As with all of the code-based gifts (Vet Reward Chopper and Subscriber/Transition Gifts), you can check your e-mail for the code OR find it in your account's "Codes" page.

Patch Notes & World Events Delay

Besides Free2Play, here are some changes of note:
  • Loot on many creatures fixed (drop rates shouldn't have been as low as they were)
  • Bridges fixed to lower incidents of people falling through them
  • Bandages back on merchants
  • Fastener count in recipes reduced (to reflect the fact that they are now rarer)
  • Bandages require less cotton
  • New items on Reward Merchants: "Commander's Best Crafting Kit" (can be used in place of any crafting kit) and Wardrobe Slot unlocks
We wanted desperately to release World Events along with Free2Play, but the realities of testing mean we've uncovered enough bugs and performance issues to have to push it. As a consequence, World Events will be added in next week. And they'll be awesome when they do.

Check out the full patch notes here.

Economy Overview:
Subtitle: Where are we going with all this??

We understand that before the last patch it was easy to run out to a waypoint and snag some components you knew would be there. Completely understated, it sucks to not be able to just do this now! This is the way Things Have Always Been, and changing it up is stressful to everyone that has been doing it since forever. There were, however, three huge problems with maintaining that status quo: One, it wasn't fun. Two, when things are easy to get (as they were), they don't matter as much. Three, there was no reason to interact with other players. At best, it was a simple way to get whatever components you needed with little challenge; at worst it was an unengaging pre-requisite to crafting that devalued both cooperation and final crafted products. Everyone got the resources they wanted whenever they wanted them and everyone could craft anything easily, meaning there was no real value to resources and not much of a market for components or products. Nobody needed to trade or cooperate to achieve goals, and there was never any competition for resources. While this was a fairly laid back system to participate in, it was not particularly good for Fallen Earth's long term health.

Now we're in the process of changing that up for the better, even if the changes right now seem like they make things a little more difficult. With the addition of World Events and Faction Territory Control, there will be more substance to resource gathering, and all the activities dependent on acquiring resources. Where before resource gathering meant going out to your waypoints and getting the resources you need, soon it will mean competing with opposing factions to control territory and cooperating with your faction and clan to harvest unique nodes from that territory, finding a suitable plot of land and placing your own resource harvester (and defending it), participating in dynamic World Events, hunting for resources in PvP areas, or just exploring to find resources on your own, using what you need and trading what you don't. 

You'll have to make a lot more interesting choices, and there will be more game there to play. All in all it should be a lot of fun, and we're looking forward to it -- and all the other new developments that the transition to Free2Play will enable!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Jedi Knight vs. Bounty Hunter

In “Choose Your Side,” members of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ development team debate the merits of the various in-game classes to see who will truly reign supreme. In the first installment in this four-part series, the noble Jedi Knight squares off against the nefarious Bounty Hunter. In support of the Jedi Knight is Senior Writer Hall Hood and Designer Austin Peckenpaugh, while Senior System Designer Pete Warner and Writer Randy Begel defend the Bounty Hunter.

Companion Characters Update - Part 2

In the previous blog, Senior Game Designer William Wallace explained new improvements to companion characters in The Old Republic. Here, he delves deeper into AI and companions’ roles in a group.

Companion AI


When it comes to the amount of control over their companion, players have different, often diametrically opposed preferences. Some players do not want to manage their companions any more than they have to, wanting instead for their companions to act autonomously without the need to manually trigger abilities or actions. Others want direct control over their companions, playing them almost as a second character.

Originally, our companions functioned almost entirely on their own, with only a few options for manual control. From both internal feedback and testing, we found that the integral nature of companions to gameplay in The Old Republic™ had many players wishing for more control over their companion’s behavior – they wanted more than what they had experienced in other massively-multiplayer games.

To address this, we’ve taken a page from other BioWare games and added AI toggles to each ability to control whether the companion should decide on their own when to use them, or whether they should be manually activated by the player. Players who are not interested in managing their companion can leave the default toggles on and let them run on autopilot. Skilled players can take complete control of the companion by expanding the companion bar onto their screen and using the abilities directly as though they were player abilities.

Many players will fall somewhere in between the two extremes, and will use the AI toggles occasionally to change the way their companion fights:
  • Players may choose to disable some area-of-effect abilities when using crowd control or when fighting tough single enemies.
  • Players may activate special modes or stances for their companion, causing them to focus more on damage or tanking, or on a single target versus groups of enemies.
  • Players may want to manually activate buffs and powerful special abilities on long cooldowns, as opposed to letting the companion pick when to use their most powerful attacks.

Group Role


Finding certain roles for group content can sometimes be a difficult task in massively multiplayer games.

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ features a large amount of group content, including Heroic Quests (challenging quests requiring 2 or 4 players to complete) and Flashpoints (highly engaging instanced story content for groups of 4 players). One benefit we’re seeing from our new, fully featured companions is additional flexibility about how players approach group content. A full group in The Old Republic always has four players. Any player leaving the group can be substituted by a companion of the group’s choice, with the party leader in control of which player gets to use their companion.

If a player leaves the group or its proximity, to travel to a vendor for instance, he is able to summon his companion for the journey. Upon reentering proximity of the group, the companion is automatically dismissed. The remaining group can temporarily substitute the missing player with one of their companions if desired.

A common situation familiar to MMO players is the departure of a member halfway through a quest or instance (As a personal example: I once abandoned a group in the middle of an instance when my washing machine caught fire. These things happen!). This could potentially ruin the game experience for all involved parties, but with the ability to substitute a companion in this situation, an experienced group of players will often be able to mitigate the impact of this event and continue their adventure.

While companions certainly don’t have the impressive AI to be able to mimic most human players, the option to micromanage a companion’s ability use on the companion bar in crucial battles will enable experienced groups to successfully complete their mission, even after losing a group member.

But don’t start dreaming about conquering the galaxy with an army of companions at your side just yet – Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massively multiplayer game, and as such it is a social experience as much as it is a story-driven BioWare role-playing game. While the majority of content in the game can be mastered by a player and their companion, some group content is a different matter. Flashpoints often require human coordination to successfully overcome challenges.

Take, for example, the fight we showed at PAX East, in which a group of players fought Captain Shivanek and his pet, Ripper. As we showed in the walkthrough video, the group had to split in two to complete this fight. As the first of several boss battles inside the Taral V flashpoint, it provides a moderately difficult challenge for a group of four players – three players and a companion will find this fight to be a far more challenging obstacle that may take several attempts to overcome. Two players and two companions may find it impossible altogether.

As our testing continues and expands, the companion system will continue to be polished and refined. We take our testing process very seriously, and have significantly altered our original companion design to respond to player behavior and feedback and to ensure that companion characters are a unique and fun part of The Old Republic.

Any specific abilities mentioned above are subject to testing and redesign between now and launch. We know that we have big shoes to fill when it comes to companion characters, and will continue to make improvements so that we deliver companion characters that meet and exceed your expectations; companions that you will come to know very well for years to come on your journey through The Old Republic.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

STO - Klingons Unleashed

 Tomorrow (October 6), Klingon Defense Force play will be unlocked on Tribble for all accounts that have a Federation character at level 3 and higher.

New Klingon Defense Force officers will begin their career at Lt. Commander 7 (level 17). After they complete their initial training missions, they will generally be at Lt. Commander 9 (level 19). This is a big change from the current live game on Holodeck, where KDF officers begin their career at Lieutenant 6 (level 6).

We changed the starting level based on feedback from the community that KDF play did not include enough PvE content, and because leveling up a KDF officer was not as rewarding as doing the same with a Federation officer. By shifting the starting level upward, we are able to provide a more complete flow of content to players and tighten up the overall experience.

As with Federation play, the story episodes are now threaded into a sequence that makes it clear where you should be headed next. This addresses problems with players having to search for story content and gives the KDF player a clear and well-defined story to play through as they make their way to max level.

We're happy with the new KDF play and are looking forward to your feedback. We’d like to remind you, however, that this is only a temporary incarnation of the more full-fledged Klingon Faction that is in development for a future update. So, come on over to Tribble tomorrow and give it a try!

As a bonus, within the three weeks following when the F2P build is live, we will be giving out awards to your character on Holodeck based on what you accomplished on Tribble. If you get a Klingon Defense Force character from start (at level 17) to level 31, we'll give you a reasonably large chunk of dilithium (exactly how much depends a bit on how the economy tunes up in testing, but this will be a meaningful award.) If you get a character to level 51, we'll give you a bonus ship slot and a unique title that is different from the Federation's award title. This award applies only to KDF characters that start fresh on Tribble. It does not apply to characters that transfer onto Tribble from Holodeck once we activate character transfer. These awards are in addition to any awards granted for leveling a Federation character.